
NIS 2 takes effect October 2024 – Are you ready?

You can take a big step towards compliance with the NIS 2 Directive by securing access to…

Energy efficiency – are attitudes changing?

Steve Schofield, CEO at the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association, considers whether there is at last…

2023 Already a Gilded Year for TMI™

Team Leadership and Lean public courses receive City & Guilds Assurance. The…

Advances in Data Collection in the Smart Factory

Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things – whatever you call it and wherever…

StocExpo 2023 Exhibitors Announced

Over 120 leading companies in the global tank storage and future fuels industry have already…

Secure plug-in connections for modular battery storage

The sustainable use of renewable energies such as wind or solar power can only be achieved through…

Could automation be the answer to the Great Resignation?

Regardless of location, if you are a manager in manufacturing, you will have seen the increasingly staggering…

Is the packaging industry really embracing the potential of Industry 4.0?

Jo Stephenson,…


C.K Tools, the trusted choice for trade professionals, has launched a brand-new Wide Field Head Light (T9630)…

Snap-on’s Level 5™ asset management system is network ready

As engineering managers cope with relentless pressure to deliver improved productivity, often with fewer skilled hands and…

Vapour degreasing cycle using hermetically sealed equipment

ProSolv®5408e is a high-performance solvent cleaner used for sustainable and future proof vapour degreasing. Soft…

Buy or Lease? Automated Storage and Retrieval specialists Kardex Remstar offers a leasing option for its Vertical Carousel storage systems

Market leader Kardex Remstar are now offering new and existing customers the opportunity to lease…

Automation Update