Defining hybrid integration @crossertech #Engineering #Hybrid #Integration

What does hybrid data integration really mean? Hybrids have always formed an integral part…

THine V-by-One® HS Technology Used in NVIDIA G-SYNC® Processor @NVIDIAGeForce #Technology #Processor #Experience

THine Works With NVIDIA to Enhance the State-of-the-Art Gaming Experience. THine Solutions, Inc. and…

Lens Design adapted to fit existing Radiation Tolerant Camera #Engineering #FocusLens #NuclearSystems @ResolveOptics

Resolve Optics has developed a custom 16mm focal length fixed focus lens for a leading…

Positek launch new subsea pressure transmitter for marine, offshore and submersible applications @Variohm @positekltd #Engineering #Transmitter #Applications

Positek Limited has launched a new pressure transmitter specifically aimed at gas and liquid pressure measurement tasks…

Discussing non-contact measurement solutions at Control 2022 @thegapgun #automation #Vectro2 #GapGun

From May 3 to 6, 2022, leading non-contact measurement manufacturer, Third Dimension attended Control…

Getting the most out of your expensive Tools, Molds & Die’s #engineering #MaximisingUptime #Tools

Manufacturers using specialty tooling, custom metal dies and distinct molds within their operations are familiar with the…

Variable speed drives save energy on Archimedes’ screws @ABBgroupnews #automation #SpeedDrives #energy

Successful trials at three Anglian Water sites prove variable speed drives can cut the energy…

Stay ahead of the airplane @euautomation #Automation #Solutions

Challenges and solutions in aerospace supply chains. When taught how to fly an airplane,…

Vaisala’s sustainable business receives Carnegie Sustainability Award 2022 #automation #Sustainability #Awards

Vaisala, a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements, was granted with the Carnegie…

Solutions for Sealed Slimline Connectors #automation #Miniaturised #Devices

By David Phillips managing director Binder UK

123 Insight releases more free MRP educational videos #automation #MRPSystem

123 Insight has released six additional videos to its free MRP educational video series on…

Red Lion Controls Expands Secure Remote Access Offering with Acquisition of MB connect line GmbH #automation #MBConnectLine

Red Lion Controls, an operating company of UK-based Spectris plc, is pleased to announce the acquisition of…

Automation Update