Innovative hollow shaft rotary actuators available from Mclennan

Recently announced by JVL A/S, the leading integrated servo and stepper motor manufacturer, its new HLMT series hollow shaft…

NORD: Condition monitoring for predictive maintenance concepts

The system from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS regularly or permanently records drive and status data in order to optimise the operational…

Cost reduction through efficient energy-saving motors

At SPS 2019 in Nuremberg, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS presented a new synchronous motor with a significant higher energy efficiency (IE5+)….


ALIO Industries has spent 2019 working with numerous customers from across industry that are exploiting the ability to innovate…


Stratus® ftServer® keeps Düsseldorf’s water supply running Ensuring sufficient high quality drinking water to meet the requirement of consumers requires…

Delta Demonstrates Continuous and Broader Participation in Interoperability Test at MPLS + SDN + NFV World Congress 2019

Delta Joins EVPN & NETCONF/YANG test cases in EANTC’s 2019 Multi-vendor Interoperability Test, together with IP Infusion and BISDN,…

Modernising your alarm systems

~ Omniflex launches free legacy alarm replacement consultation service ~ Alarm annunciator specialist Omniflex has launched its legacy alarm…

Connector for assembly for simple motor connections

The new QPD installation system connector for assembly from Phoenix Contact has been designed specifically to connect motors such…

Steve Backshall partners with IET to deliver Santa Loves STEM

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) teamed up with television presenter, Steve Backshall, to deliver this year’s Santa…

NSK catalogue outlines high-speed DIN-standard ball screws for machine tools

NSK has released a new catalogue explaining the capabilities, attributes and specifications of the company’s latest generation DIN-standard ball…

Quaser install helps BSC Filters meet 22% growth in sales

A world leader in electromagnetic wave filters for the defence sector has increased its machining capacity with the installation…

Street smarts

~ How composite materials are driving the smart city movement ~ The island state city of Singapore is often hailed…

Automation Update