Update Media Group

Matching Bias Controllers to our LiNbO 3 Modulators

Very Low Noise Sensitivity and Enhanced Stability LASER COMPONENTS supplies iXblue‘s modulator bias controllers and board types, showing a very low…

Rotamec launches electrical contracting service

Rotamec is offering a new electrical contracting service as well as expanding its site services capabilities to include fully…

Wide range of Hongfa Relays available from JPR Electronics

Specialist distributor JPR Electronics stock a wide range of relays from Hongfa, the world’s leading relay supplier and…


R.A. Rodriguez (U.K.) Limited has supplied large, high-quality turntable bearings for periaktoi used by Kylie Minogue as part of…

Achieving bubble-free mixing

There are many industrial processes which require fast mixing of liquids, pastes and powders, and where the uniformity and…

Rails’ digital future driving up bookings at Infrarail 2020   

As rail moves up the political agenda, new products and exhibitors are coming to the UK’s leading showcase of…

Bringing the Middle East’s oil and gas sector together

~ TFC makes its debut at ADIPEC ~ From November 11 to 14, 2019, one of Europe’s most trusted technical…

Pickering Electronics’ 10W reed relay for space-restricted applications on show at Productronica

Suitable for high speed test systems Visit Pickering at Booth A1.452 Productronica: 12-15 November, Munich, Germany April XX, Clacton-on-Sea, UK:   Pickering Electronics,…

Training and development for the future of engineering

According to the Department of Education’s Employer Skills Survey, the number of vacancies caused by skills shortages has more…

Video of the Week – How drylin handling systems help make light work of repetitive tasks

drylin handling systems are based on the bearing principle of sliding instead of rolling. Unlike the recirculating ball systems,…

How bright is the future of automation?

In the 1955 short story Autofac, Philip K. Dick envisioned a world dominated by self-replicating robots who work incessantly,…

Local Doncaster car supermarket celebrates 10 years of service

Doncaster CarShop celebrates its 10th birthday this November The store has raised over £37,993 for local charities in…

Automation Update