Update Media Group

Bigger, stronger, faster: new igus drylin linear robots for cost-effective automation

  Simple, precise, fast processes: these are the requirements of Cartesian robots. They are used for such things as pick…

Caldwell’s RUD Line of Machined Eyebolts

The Caldwell Group Inc. is offering its range of German-manufactured RUD Ring Schraube (RS) machined eyebolts from 220 lbs….

Business as normal … as it can be

  For Dorking-based injection moulder Broanmain Plastics, it’s business as normal … with a few slight adaptations to workforce patterns….

High-Definition TFT display now standard on Optidrive P2 IP20 range

Invertek Drives has updated its Optidrive P2 IP20 variable frequency drives (VFD) with enhanced features, including a high definition…

Subsea Pressure Compensated Actuators

  maxon Aquatic Solutions, part of the global maxon Group, recently launched a range of pressure compensators for Remote Operated…

Counterfeit parts: Manufacturing’s next threat?

Heard of the hover fly? Adorned with black and yellow stripes, these creatures take advantage of the wasp’s fearsome…


It’s official. European’s love their snacks. With more than 60% adding them into their weekly grocery baskets, 30% buying…

Rittal’s New Wire Station 540

The Rittal Wire Station 540 mobile wiring table is a fully…

SICK SensorApps Ensure Smooth Docking for Pallets and Dollies

AN INNOVATIVE 3D camera and SensorApp solution from SICK has enabled rapid, damage-free guidance of automated and driver-assisted high-bay…

Winkworth’s UTS mixer solution adds scalability for food production firms

For growing food production firms looking to add scalability to their business, Winkworth, the UK’s leading designer and manufacturer…


To address the unique food safety requirements posed by the protein and dairy sectors, Sparc Systems designed a unique…

New regional sales manager appointed at Loma Systems

‘Check & Detect’ specialists, LOMA SYSTEMS®, has appointed Ivor Milne as a new Regional Sales Manager for Scotland.

Automation Update