Managing the progress of jobs simply yet effcetively is essential for any company or organisation whether they are manufacturing goods or providing services. Few would disagree that trading conditions in the UK are likely to beome even more challenging through 2019 so the focus on improving efficiency, improving processes and maintaining a competitve edge will be more important than ever.

Since their introduction over 60 years ago T CARDS have been a traditional way of managing tasks and resources for a wide variety of applications. For thousands of companies they have proven to be an excellent tool and have been implemented with minimal effort and cost.

The simplicity of the T CARDS board system means it can be adpapted very easily and will provide benefits almost immediately with virtually little or no training. The simple, visual nature of T Boards is why it has become the “Go To Board” when an update or information about a task needs to be shared. These benenifts are even more relevant especially when margins are being squeesed and profits are under pressure. Marginal gains become even more important when trading conditions are tough and difficult.

T CARDS director, Phil Heine comments, “We have witnessed over many years that during downturns in the economy there is increased interest in T Card Systems. Companies find it even more important to have a way of visually communicating what is going on; What stage jobs are at; And to make sure Workflow is as stremlined as possible. Sometimes a T Board costing less than £100 can bring significant beneifits in providing clear and precise information”.

If you are using a white board or some sort of post-it note arrangement to plan or track; what happens to the information when things change?

With a T Card system you have something that you can use to orginate, update and then file information and you also have a purpose made T Board that reflects what you need showing the status to others in a clear and professional way.

There are thousands of case studies showing how companies and organisations have made significant savings by utilising simple management tools like T Cards. Many of the applications have evolved from Lean Manufacturing techniques such as 6 Sigma and Kaizen 5S. Whilst there are many other production and health & safety applications, T Cards continues to provide an important role in helping companies make efficiencies and most importantly, without needing to be a high cost, high-tech solution.

Further details available from:

T Cards Direct, Addington, West Malling, Kent, ME19 5BP, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1732 871417   email: sales@tcardsdirect.com


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