WEG appoints new managing director for Benelux

~ Werner Lievens providing customer support at the WEG Benelux branch ~

Motor, drive and gearbox manufacturer, WEG has appointed a new managing director for Benelux. Boasting over nine years’ experience in a variety of roles at WEG, Werner Lievens will take on the role, succeeding Omer Vanheer. Werner will assist in the continuing growth of WEG’s expanding Benelux customer base, overseeing business development in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.  

The appointment aligns with continued investment at WEG Benelux. Recently, WEG extended its warehouse in Belgium, increasing storage space at the site by 1800 square metres (m²). The expansion is facilitating future growth for the company, while increasing flexibility for customers.

This appointment also follows the retirement of Omer Vanheer — who held the position for the last 17 years. Omer will remain on board as a consultant to management at WEG and will remain in place until the end of May, offering support to longstanding customers.

“It was a logical, natural choice to appoint Werner,” explained Omer Vanheer, former managing director and consultant for WEG Benelux. “He has already worked at WEG Benelux for nine years, so he knows the culture of WEG and the customers and has the trust of all the employees. The future is bright.”

As managing director, Werner will take responsibility of all operations at WEG Benelux, with the primary objective of continuing WEG’s successful period of growth. Despite the financial disruptions faced worldwide, WEG has sustained continuous annual growth during the last 15 years. This includes growth in the WEG Benelux team, which now consists of 63 people.

The appointment aligns with WEG Benelux’s mission to ensure every customer has a point of contact who speaks their native language. Werner can speak French, Dutch and English, ensuring customers in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have a local point of contact.

Having joined the company in March 2012, Werner has undertaken a range of roles, including operations manager. During this time, Werner dealt with technical specifications from customers in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg — ensuring modifications to motors were made and WEG’s global reputation for fast and flexible customer service was maintained in the region.

“This is the next step in my career, which I have been preparing for over the last few years,” added Werner Lievens, managing director at WEG Benelux. “I’m a local, so I already know the customers and the WEG Benelux team, who are truly knowledgeable and critical to what we do.

“WEG is human company, our customers can speak to anyone on the team, whether that’s their contact person, a manager or even director. Although it is important that customers can speak to someone in their language, ensuring effective communication for projects to run smoothly.

“After last month’s expansion of our warehouse at WEG Benelux, which will be used for our customers in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, we want to sustain such growth. In fact, we will be continuing investments into new offices, tools and products in the future.”

Following the warehouse expansion in Belgium, WEG Benelux will be hiring sales staff. If you’re interested and would like to get in touch, then please contact WEG.

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