COVID-19 Forces Pump Industry Awards Postponement

Following the Government’s latest guidance, the BPMA and its event organiser, Touchwave Media, have agreed to postpone the 2020 Pump Industry Awards scheduled for Thursday 19th March.

This decision has not been reached lightly, given the complex nature of such an event and the amount of time, work and effort spent in its planning, promotion and delivery.  But given the Government’s official encouragement for further ‘social distancing’ amidst the unprecedented Coronavirus crisis, the organisers feel this is the correct, and only decision that could be made.Commenting on the decision, Event Director, Andrew Castle said, ”The health and safety of our guests and attendees is of course paramount, although consideration must also be given to the credibility and presentation of the overall awards programme, as a significantly reduced event is in no one’s interest.”

He continued, “We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and understanding during these extremely challenging times, and hope that we can all get through the coming months in good health and safe keeping.”

The event will now be staged on Monday 7th December at the Chesford Grange Hotel in Kenilworth, and on the exact same basis.  All sponsorships, table bookings and overnight accommodation will be honoured for this new dateline and will be carried forward accordingly.

This years awards programme celebrates its 20th Anniversary, and so despite the postponement, we can still look forward to a wonderful evening of reward and celebration at the end of the year, when hopefully the current health crisis will be over, or at least drawing to an end.

Should you have questions regarding any aspect of the Pump Industry Awards Dinner, or indeed its postponement, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers directly or via the website at

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