MACH 2020 Seminar Programme Launches

Not only is MACH 2020 the UK’s national manufacturing exhibition, with the largest range of technology on show under one roof, it is also playing host to an extensive seminar programme. You will be able to hear from some of the leading minds in the fields of manufacturing and advanced engineering. The full listing of the seminars and registration to attend them, can be found over at The Main Seminar Theatre is located in Hall 6-871 at the NEC.MACH 2020 is the ideal platform for industry and academia to come together to share new ideas and solutions to move manufacturing forward. Throughout the week the seminar programme will feature speakers from the likes of the AMRC, MTC, Coventry University, Siemens and BAE Systems to name but a few.

Topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing and Cyber Security will be discussed, plus much, much more. The seminar programme kicks off at 13:15 on Monday 20th April with David Holmes, Manufacturing Director – Air for BAE Systems. He’ll be discussing ‘Manufacturing technology requirements of BAE to remain competitive in a global market’, David’s talk at MACH 2018 was hugely popular and oversubscribed, so register now to secure your space.

On Wednesday 22nd April at 14:45 Juergen Maier will give an update on the Made Smarter Programme, who are also exhibiting at stand 7-732 at the exhibition, they are looking to help SMEs start their digital journey. The topic of Juergen’s seminar will be ‘Delivering a Responsible and Decarbonised Made Smarter’.

At 14.45 on Tuesday 21st April, it will be the turn of Mark Thurston, CEO of High Speed Two (HS2) to outline his role and responsibilities in delivering what is currently, the largest infrastructure project in Europe. He will also be explaining more about how the project is looking to connect and work with the highly skilled UK supply chain.

James Selka, DL, CEO of The Manufacturing Technologies Association said, “MACH 2020 is not just about the technology on show, it is also about how to successfully implement that technology and ideas into your business. We work hard to ensure we get high quality speakers discussing the topics that really matter in modern manufacturing.”

He continued “the seminar programme is an extremely popular part of MACH so we would encourage visitors to register their attendance to the talks they want to see as early as possible, because space is limited. MACH 2020 is the UK’s national manufacturing technologies showcase and the place where new ideas begin.”

MACH 2020 takes place between the 20th – 24th April, at the NEC in Birmingham. The seminar aspect of MACH has always been popular and in 2018 many of the talks were oversubscribed. Registration for all seminars in now open on the MACH 2020 website, where full listings and timings can be found. So, get your name down early to avoid disappointment. Registration to attend the exhibition can also be found at

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