SME manufacturers offered free access to industry experts to design and develop digital strategy

Made Smarter running an intimate, interactive clinic for SME makers at Macdonald Manchester Hotel on February 25

SME manufacturers are invited to an immersive workshop to equip them with the tools they need to develop a digital strategy.The event, Powering Your Manufacturing Through Digital Transformation, is run by Made Smarter, and is aimed at companies looking to understand more about how digital tools and technology can create efficiencies and growth in their business.

The interactive session gives SMEs free access to industry leaders including Edge Digital Manufacturing, a consultancy dedicated to inspiring businesses to take advantage of digital technologies, and Nucroft, a consultancy which works with manufacturers on new business strategies.

The intimate event for up to 40 people will use collaborative workshops and 1-2-1 personalised sessions with experts to help arm business leaders with the tools they need to take the first step on their digital journey.

Attendees will hear real life examples of how other businesses have applied new technology, the challenges they overcame and the benefits they are now experiencing.

Leading the event will be Made Smarter Programme Manager, Alain Dilworth.

He said: “Digital tools can increase profit, reduce inefficiencies, open new markets and provide greater insight for business leaders, but it can be confusing to know what will help your business the most.

“Our experience of working with SME manufacturers tells us that people struggle to know where to start when it comes to digital transformation, and struggle to find the time to take that first step.

“This workshop is run by industry experts is ideal for anyone looking to discuss their business and help them understand the digital roadmapping process.

“Our Digital Transformation events are extremely popular, and as this is the first held in Manchester, I would urge businesses at the start of their journey to register to secure a place.”

Salford-based firm ATEC Engineering Solutions transformed its business and unlocked future growth opportunities through the digital roadmapping exercise.

Andrea Hough, Managing Director, said: “ATEC is typical of a lot of SMEs. It’s not that we don’t want to do things differently, it’s that we don’t know how to. It’s finding a starting point.

“This Digital Roadmapping process has been incredibly helpful. It brought in someone from outside to help us make sense of what we’d got and how we move forward.

“The workshops were an easy first, practical step – and has had a huge impact on the business.”

The event takes place at Macdonald Manchester Hotel on February 25 from 8am-12pm.

Places for the Digital Transformation session are free but limited and registration is essential.

More information and details of how to book can be found at:

Made Smarter supports manufacturers to digitise and innovate through fully funded specialist technology advice, access to grant funding, and leadership and skills development.

The Made Smarter team will be on hand to facilitate one-to-one conversations with business leaders about their business needs and the options available. This includes finding out more about how to qualify for free advice and funding support to help with the adoption of new, smarter production methods such as robotics and automation, additive manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IOT), 3D-printing, the use of ‘big’ data and the latest design software.

Any company interested in the Made Smarter business support programme can find out more at

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