K2019 record Visitor numbers for Profile Solutions World Leading Leak Detection

Profile Solutions showed their flagship 6LDV at K2019 testing faster than ever before. Plus a 2LD+ ( UP TO 3600/hr small bottles) and 30LD ( 2 to 30L)

At shows we normally test a robust 210ml bottle a sit gets tested over and over thousands of times . We showed in front of people it testing this bottle at 15,500 per hour on 1 head and finding a 0.18 mm hole. Plus they could press the override button on the new self test and see every bottle fail as a test hole was introduced. No smoke and mirrors just sizzling value for money performance.

Our company has made the fastest leak testers per test in the world for 20 years.

At K2013 the same bottle was being tested at 11,500 per hour and at K2016 at 13,400 per hour. So we achieved a 15 and 30% increase over these previous 2 exhibitions and show our dedication to innovation

Many blow molders don’t realize the 6LDV does the job leading supplier from the EU and USA do at over twice the cost. Our stop/start in line multi-heads have done the jobs people have spend up to 2.5 times on with traveling systems with up to 4 heads at vastly more expense.

We had best quality of visitors we have ever had from a K show, an increase of 30% over K2013 and more over K 2016. We sold all the machines off the stand as well ( The 6LDV above, plus a 2LD+ ( 30ml to 10L) and 30LD (up to 30L) ).

We had a record number of USA, Canadian and Latin American visitors that was very welcome.

We also participated at NPE 2018, plus Pack Expo 2016,17,18 and 19 in the USA. In Asia we are at Chinaplas and other regional shows.

We also offer lot more than leak testers with Automation and vertical integration with items like conveyors, collators, cooling tables, bung and spout inserters, palletizers and a whole range of plastics blow and injection molding machinery including robots.

Many people found these other products and services of interest at the show. We are happy to have the nice problem of lots of leads to follow up.

We compete in Asia and that has made us over the 26 years we have been in business encouraged us to innovate and find more cost competitive solutions. I think its significant that given we manufacture in a first world country with the accompanying wages that we can offer solutions in the EU and USA with more performance and lower prices than local suppliers even when the significant, despite the shipping costs half way around the world.

Profile Solutions has offices in Australia, North America and Singapore.

We also have one of the one of the most visited plastic bottle leak tester container channels in the world as well.

Automation Update