Increase Productivity and Profitability with Tebis CAD/CAM Template Technology #Automation #CAD #CAM #Templates

Tebis parametric template technology stores company’s manufacturing knowledge specific to CAD and CAM. CAD and CAM templates enable faster and more efficient manufacturing, and they also ensure standards and uniform quality. Companies are less dependent on the expertise of individual specialists, and new employees can get up to speed faster and start contributing productively to the company’s success in the shortest possible time.

Faster preparation for manufacturing: Highly automated and flexible preparation of CAM programming with parametric CAD templates

Every data set needs to be prepared for CAM programming in design. Tebis automatically performs many of these necessary individual steps: placing bores for clamping systems, defining tilt axis systems, designing fill surfaces, creating blanks, generating connection points for setups, positioning clamping devices and specifying retract planes. All of these steps work with Tebis parametric CAD templates. The templates can be extended as needed and can be modified to meet customer-specific requirements. Users can still be highly flexible: Changes like selecting a different clamping system can be controlled directly and conveniently. Use parametric CAD templates to fully automatically position clamping devices and generate auxiliary geometries and blanks.

Faster programming with modern NCJob technology in Tebis

Take advantage of the opportunity to automatically apply interactively defined milling areas from previous NCJobs in milling – that’s how you’ll reduce manual intervention in CAM programming and calculate entire NCJob sequences at once. CAM programming is also considerably simplified – you can easily manage combined machining operations in an end-to-end CAM template.

Automation Update