To meet rising energy costs and decarbonisation requirements for industry and logistics, Schwank has introduced Solar Air Collectors for renewable heat generation. See
While solar power generation is generally associated with capturing the sun’s energy via solar arrays for conversion into electricity, Schwank’s new Solar Air Collectors work in a very different way. In fact, there is no conversion process involved in creating the heat that they produce.
These solarSchwank facade-mounted systems are made of durable, perforated, light-weight aluminium with a solar active surface coating (absorber). This selective coating ensures a highly efficient conversion of solar energy into thermal energy. When the sun’s rays meet the solar active surface, they are converted into thermal energy and released into the air layer below the absorber.
The heated air cushion is then fed directly into the building assisted by a fan. This is carried out without any conversion processes or use of a heat exchanger. Thanks to this efficient method, heating costs can be reduced, for instance, by 50% and CO2 emissions can likewise be lowered.

solarSchwank systems are available with or without fresh air supply and can be easily and quickly installed in new or existing buildings, significantly reducing heating costs and CO2 emission.
Schwank is a leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial and commercial heating, climate, ventilation, and HVAC solutions. The Schwank Group, established for over 80 years and headquartered in Cologne, Germany, distributes its innovative energy efficient products in over 40 countries and is the global market leader in the field of gas infrared heaters and has recently developed a tube heater that can be powered by 100% hydrogen gas.
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