Imagine an Engineer finding you your next Head of Engineering, or a seasoned Senior Commercial Leader finding you your next high performing Sales or Marketing Directors. Imagine working with people that have actually done the jobs they are recruiting for!
That’s exactly what The Clay Partnership has bought to the sector, in a fresh and inspiring approach to help Manufacturing and Engineering Companies to find and secure the best senior talent in the market.

Dan Martin – The Clay Partnership’s Founder explained: “During my career, having being in various leadership positions myself in Manufacturing Organisations, I had found it could be very challenging trying to explain the nuances of a Senior level Job specification to someone that had no real-world experience in a Manufacturing and Engineering environment, or who hadn’t themselves worked at a senior level.”
Being a qualified Engineer who transitioned over his 25 year career into global commercial roles, in 2020, Dan decided to provide a service which addressed this gap.
Dan further explained: “My own 25 years of sector relevant experience allows us to speak with Companies on their level and truly understand their succession challenges, actually translating the real requirements of the roles, using my knowledge to help shape the job specification.

Dans real-world experience also means he has the experience to work with Candidates to ensure a smooth and “no surprises” experience, having himself being placed multiple times by Executive Search Companies.

The Clay Partnership typically provides Executive Search services for roles in the £50k – £150k Salary range, meaning they offer a true search and selection process, aiming to uncover the best passive candidates in the market.
Get in touch with Dan to see how he can help you find the best individuals at [email protected] or on 01785 450154, or visit our website