Vaisala’s sustainable business receives Carnegie Sustainability Award 2022 #automation #Sustainability #Awards

Vaisala, a global leader in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements, was granted with the Carnegie Sustainability Award 2022 in the Carnegie Sustainability Seminar on May 31, 2022. The award acknowledges both Vaisala’s sustainable business practices and the positive handprint of the business, generated by Vaisala’s products.

The investment bank Carnegie awards companies for their sustainability work, wanting to highlight sustainability metrics that create shareholder value and inspire companies and investors. Vaisala received the award in the category for Small Cap companies. The other winners were SCA for Large Cap companies and OX2 in the category for Best Newcomer.

“With progressing climate change, Vaisala’s products will be critical to monitor more extreme weather and environmental changes. The company has been a sustainability forerunner and early invented and implemented energy-saving improvements that only recently have become a norm. The company’s products have for decades been built for extended endurance and minimum waste, and helping its customers use resources more efficiently. The company is acknowledged for its strong company culture and high ethical standards,” Carnegie explains the reasoning behind the award in its press release.

“In Vaisala, sustainability is at the heart of the business: our products truly help to build a better world and increase climate action, and I believe that I speak for all our employees, when I say that this is why we are so proud to work for Vaisala. There is an urgent need for companies to act and align their strategies to solve the greatest environmental challenges of our planet. It is no longer only about decreasing the footprint but even more importantly about increasing the positive impact of the business itself,” comments Kai Öistämö, President and CEO at Vaisala.

Vaisala has received also other sustainability recognitions within a year. Earlier in 2022, Vaisala was listed in the top Financial Times’ Climate Leaders 2022 list, and in 2021, Vaisala was recognized for its sustainability among private investors.

“We have received great acknowledgement for our sustainability, and it is such a great honor to now receive this recognition from Carnegie. I also want to take this opportunity to give my warmest congratulations to the other winners SCA and OX2 as well! It is essential that climate change, as the most pressing sustainability challenge of our planet, is increasingly recognized in these awards, encouraging businesses to continuously improve. It is no longer an option for any company wanting to succeed to stay of out of the game and ignore its impact,” Öistämö concludes.

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