Loma Systems, a global leader providing over 50 years of customer-backed innovation in inspection technologies, will be showcasing its latest range of Check & Detect solutions for food applications at Warsaw Pack – held on 23-25 November 2021 at Ptak Warsaw Expo, Poland. The team look forward to being back face-to-face with customers, welcoming them to booth B3.210.
For X-ray inspection systems, LOMA will be showcasing both their low-maintenance, high-accuracy X5C Compact and the X5 Space Saver X-ray solutions. Designed with packed convenience food, ready meals and small packaged goods in mind, the X5C is LOMA’s smallest X-ray system available. Providing a machine length of 1000mm and offering excellent Critical Control Point (CCP) protection in the smallest footprint possible, the X5C is manufactured under LOMA’s Designed to Survive® philosophy to deliver one of the toughest systems on the market. The bigger X5 Space Saver can be integrated into line with optional free standing reject and is available in 300mm and 500mm belt width models. Perfect for products with a height of up to 180mm, the system incorporates an integrated higher power X-ray generator and offers good detection levels on a wide range of hard and soft contaminants including all metals, bone, glass, dense plastics, within most packaging types, including foil trays or metallized film. Loma’s X-ray systems can simultaneously inspect for the integrity of the product, which includes missing items, excess products (by volume count), and x-weighing.
LOMA X5 Space Saver X-ray System LOMA X5C Compact X-ray System
Also on show will be LOMA’s IQ3+E Pipeline, a robust metal detection system designed to inspect pumped products such as soups, sauces, slurries, jams or dairy. Providing Sterile in Place (SIP) and easy strip down cleaning depending on the application, IQ3+E Pipeline complies to EN1672-2 hygiene standards, offering IP69K protection suitable for both high-care and low-care environments.
Furthermore, visitors to the LOMA booth will be able to see demonstrations of their IQ3+E Metal Detector Conveyor system, which can be configured to suit various factory and product requirements. Two models will be on show featuring different reject options, including a Stop on Detect conveyor and a pusher system. Both models being ideally suited for packaged product.
To complete the line-up, the CW3 Checkweigher will be on display. Designed to be integrated into the production process to ensure product weight meets legislation, the CW3 Checkweigher is perfect for products such as convenience foods, sachets and ready meals. The fast and accurate system can cope with a wide variety of flexible and rigid packs over a broad range of weight up to 60kg and has many options to meet all application needs, with options such as reject confirmation, bin full sensors and infeed guides.
For more information on the innovative and reliable Check & Detect solutions for food processing systems from LOMA, stop by booth B3.210 at Warsaw Pack on 23-25 November 2021.