Tracking the business trends

Lots of things have changed since the Covid-19 pandemic, including restrictions on who can travel, how far, how often, and for what reason. Businesses are having to adapt too. So, how can you manage your customer’s expectations and where their orders go?

Vehicle tracking technology is becoming more and more popular among business users. Evidence has proved that companies that track their vehicles are seeing an overall improvement in driver performance and a reduction in their running costs.

The Department of Transport and Energy Savings Trusts have examples of how vehicle tracking can support and save money in your business. One company had a 40-vehicle fleet and is now saving £400 a month in fuel costs; another company saw a 30% increase in staff productivity. Another recorded a 20% cut in accidents and a 60% reduction in speeding.

There are many benefits of vehicle tracking, including being able to monitor traffic delays and make contingency plans, stay up to date with road and driving conditions, and calculate fuel costs. Vehicle Tracking can also help with giving accurate arrival times to depots and customers.

Whatever sector business owners you are in, being able to operate a successful fleet management service is key for your ongoing survival and success.

Your trusted partner FLEETMAXX SOLUTIONS can help. Visit our website or call one of our experts today on 01367 704 910

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