There is little doubt that 2021 will be challenging, but the announcement on Christmas Eve of a draft trade and co-operation agreement between the UK and the EU gave everyone a boost. As was said on all sides, it gives the basis for a positive future trading relationship – albeit that we have lost some business advantages of being in the EU. Further transitioning periods are available to firms relating to much of the bureaucracy that faces the engineering sector. Meanwhile, the UK will seek to expand its trading relationships around the globe and seek government support through our representative group EAMA.
We should hold on to the positive lessons from last year :
- Opportunities are often created through change
- The determination and ability of individuals and businesses to meet challenges head-on, and to adapt to new circumstances
- The value of working closely with customers and suppliers, leading to supply chain collaborations experienced during the pandemic
- Taking forward business improvement, development and innovation has continued during the difficult times through the pandemic.
- The value of continued investment;
- And most importantly our UK firms providing reliable, high quality, competitively-priced products who will support manufacturers seeking reshoring opportunities of shorter reliable supply chains based in the UK