BPMA Training Awards First Ever Perfect Score

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) – the organisation which represents the business interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and related pumping equipment – has recently awarded the highest possible mark to a very worthy student on completion of its Essentials E-Learning Course.

In what is a milestone for the BPMA, since introducing its programme of online training courses back in 2012, the maximum 100% mark has been attained by Shane Bates of KSB – a hugely impressive achievement.

Over the past eight years, some incredibly talented individuals have been put through their paces on this course, with some extremely high marks being handed out, but none (until now) have secured the very top mark.

In recognition of this attainment, and to help ensure his pump training continues apace, Shane has been awarded a free place on the BPMA’s residential ‘Certified Pump System Auditors’ (CPSA) course running from 13-16 October in West Bromwich, valued at £1750.00.

Commenting on Shane’s success, KSB’s Managing Director, Dale Croker said: “We actively encourage and support participation in the BPMA training courses as part of the continuous investment in our staff, and so it is great to see such an achievement coming out of that ongoing training program.

He continued: “Since joining the KSB team, Shane has shown a keen interest in understanding as much as possible about our products and the wider pump industry.  He has an obvious thirst for knowledge and an eagerness to learn more which has been aptly rewarded by this perfect score.  With the benchmark set to maximum, we have high expectations for his ongoing development.”

Steve Schofield, Director and Chief Executive of the BPMA added: “We were thrilled to see Shane achieve the perfect mark, a first for this training course, and are delighted to offer him a complimentary place on the next CPSA course, which I’ve no doubt he will pass with flying colours.”

For further information on the October CPSA course and any of the other BPMA training courses, please contact Steve Smith on +44 (0)121 601 6691 or by email on [email protected].

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