New Precision Machine Components catalogue from NSK

By releasing a new edition of its Precision Machine Components catalogue, NSK is providing existing and potential customers with an up-to-date overview of its comprehensive linear guide, ball screw and monocarrier portfolio. At more than 700 pages in length, the publication also acts as a manufacturer-neutral guide to selecting and calculating the service life of linear components for machine or equipment-building applications.

By way of example, 60 pages are dedicated to providing manufacturer-neutral information on the selection of ball screws. These pages complement the presentation of NSK’s range of ball-screw solutions, which covers a further 400 pages.

The chapters on linear guides extend over 300 pages and contain detailed information on product selection and service life calculations. A further 140 pages are dedicated to NSK solutions that include: ready-to-install linear axes with linear guides (Monocarrier, Toughcarrier); ball screws with bearings and accessories (such as sensors); and covers and motor adapters.

Far from simply a catalogue, the publication offers users a wide-ranging compendium of linear guides and drive units accompanied by practice-based technical descriptions and selection aids.

Newly introduced to this edition are product series launched by NSK in recent months, including DIN-compliant high-speed ball screws for machine tools (manufactured in accordance with DIN 69051/ISO 3408) and precision ball screws with interchangeable nut-shaft pairings. Also featured for the first time is the PR/LPR series of precision rolled ball screws.

A printed version can be ordered from NSK, or an online download is available from:

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