UK gets another PROFIBUS and PROFINET International Competence Centre (PICC)

Control Specialists Ltd appointed as second UK PICC.

PIUK is delighted to announce that Control Specialists Ltd has been appointed as a PROFIBUS and PROFINET International Competency Centre (PICC). This comes in recognition of their consultancy and technical support skills developed over a number of years as a PROFIBUS and PROFINET International Training Centre (PITC).

PI Competence Centers (PICCs) are centres of technical expertise that work closely with the Regional PI Associations.  They offer technical support to anyone who needs it and perform an essential role in supporting first-time developers of PROFIBUS and PROFINET devices and systems. PICCs often support local RPAs in the delivery of technical seminars and workshops.

PICCs can also act independently to provide a non-partisan service respecting commercial sensitivities all the while bringing the synergy of the global organization to bear on the development of PROFIBUS and PROFINET products. They are governed by ‘Quality of Services’ Agreements administered by PI to ensure the technical excellence of the service they deliver. There are currently 60 PICCs worldwide. Click here for further details.

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