Building the Intelligent Edge on your Digital Transformation Journey

Manufacturers are embracing the Internet of Things (IoT) and the importance of collecting and analysing data to power digital transformation (DX) and improve business results. But embarking on the journey of digital transformation means understanding how edge computing fits into the organisation, having the right infrastructure, and implementing IT/OT/CT convergence. Read on to learn the importance of digital transformation and best practices to get you started.

What Advances Can you Find on your Digital Transformation Journey?

  • Migrate and Modernised systems. Modernising systems can help organisations be more responsible and scalable while remaining secure in the new digital world.
  • Build and extend digital platforms. Companies need to create new digital platforms that allow them to collect, analyse and share an ever-expanding range of data sets.
  • Monetise digital services. This refers to building and continually enhancing digital services which can be used to engage with customers and automate business services.

The Importance of Edge Computing

Edge computing has a solid role to play within the Industrial Automation (IA) field. Its power can be found through the use of smart logistics, machine learning, and factory asset management. Each of which requires intelligence and the ability to analyse and utilise data captured by factories. In an increasingly connected world, edge computing is being looked at in a centralised fashion – gaining data intensity, connectivity and security and more.

Choosing the Right Infrastructure

Depending on the organisational viewpoint, edge infrastructure can be complementary to or inclusive of level 1 or 2 control and information layers of a production process. Organisational agreement on location, capabilities, and desired outcomes is critical before conducting any pilot or scalable implementations.

Edge computing within line applications requires limited bandwidth, large volumes of data, and device security. Plant applications, however, require a response time in seconds, multiple large volumes of data, and a modern network of infrastructure. It’s key to own a device with server virtualisation, high availability, and operational simplicity, and lifespan.

Why Converged IT/OT/CT is Excellent for Edge Computing Deployments

The combined business intelligence of IT/OT/CT applications running on one virtualised system seamlessly carries out operational and data analytics functions. All without requiring separate infrastructures. Converging these areas is not only cost effective but also improves performance, productivity and agility.

Best Practices when Simplifying Computing at the Edge

  1. Get connected:What is your current connection environment when talking about analytics? Do you require various wireless technologies, ethernet routes, etc.?
  2. Rethink your infrastructure: What applications do you need to run and where do you need to run them? Are they latency sensitive, real-time oriented?
  3. Develop an architectural strategy:Prior use cases, reaching out the trusted partners, and looking at what your organisation needs both internally and externally will help drive your architectural strategy.

Although the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and smart manufacturing drove the first wave of industrial innovation, digital transformation is the next imperative.

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