Intelliconnect’s response to COVID-19

Home working and risk assessed production facilities ensure continuity of customer support and supply while staff fund raise for NHS

Corona virus update from Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd the UK based specialist manufacturer of RF, waterproof and cryogenic connectors and cable harness assemblies.

While Intelliconnect may not have had a specific ‘global pandemic’ Business Continuity Plan they quickly adapted their standard B.C.P. and bought in any additional equipment that was required to allow more than 90% of their staff to work from home. For those that continued to work at either the Corby or Chelmsford sites risk assessments were carried out and measures were introduced to ensure it was safe to do so.“Intelliconnect have been able to continue to work uninterrupted throughout this difficult time.” Comments Steve Groves, Global Sales Director of Intelliconnect. “And while our gardens might not look as nice as some of our furloughed neighbours, we are grateful that we have been able to service our customers and keep busy.  In the last weeks we have seen orders and enquiries start to exceed pre-lockdown norms and we are very much looking forward to a little ‘business as usual’.

Intelliconnect continue to review their working practices and in line with the Government’s strategy are looking at how they can best instigate a phased return to their facilities.

Groves continues, “Our teams’ health, both physical and mental, is of paramount concern and we will only return staff to work when it is safe to do so. We have been very fortunate and so far have had no confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst our teams but we appreciate not everyone has been so lucky.”

To support the wider community members of staff have taken on the ‘Intelliconnect NHS charity challenge’ to raise funds for two local hospitals and the heroes that work in them who have supported so many individuals and their families during this period.…/intelliconnect-NHS-challenge

The hospitals chosen to raise much needed funds for are Kettering General and Chelmsford Broomfield. Any funds raised will go to the front line, helping staff and patient’s wellbeing and also providing better facilities.

Details of the hospitals below:



The Intelliconnect team will complete 6 challenges over the next 4 weeks and the company will fund match any monies raised. Everyone at at Intelliconnect would be most grateful for any further donations made to…/intelliconnect-nhs-challenge

Steve Groves’ personal challenge includes riding his bike and running and will complete 100 miles in the 4 weeks.

Week1- 25 miles on bike

Week 2 -25 miles running

Week 3 – 25 miles on bike

Week 4 – 25 miles running.

Steve ends, “I started this last Monday and completed the cycling week without need to go to A&E, but I am struggling this week with the running challenge so all the donations will help gee me along!”

Intelliconnect hope that you, your colleagues, and families are all well and we look forward to being able to talk about Corona virus in the past tense!

Intelliconnect are an accredited Living Wage Employer and have been recently awarded the SC21 Silver Performance Standard Award Status for a second year.

Intelliconnect (Europe) Ltd  is the largest UK based manufacturer of RF, microwave, waterproof and cryogenic connectors and cable harnesses suitable for applications including wearable technology, medical, telecoms, satcoms, military, aerospace, space, general microwave communications, rail traction, oil and gas and marine. Intelliconnect also manufacture the market leading Pisces range of waterproof RF connectors, coaxial adaptors to facilitate inter-series connection and gender change etc. dust-caps and offer value added services.

Their recently launched and fast-growing cryogenic cable assembly business CryoCoax supplies medical, research, test and measurement and the emerging low temperature computing markets.

Intelliconnect’s cable division are specialist manufacturers of affordable, high quality, high frequency microwave cables including triaxial assemblies, semi-rigid, semi-flexible and cryogenic cables as well as standard RG/LMR type products.  Cables can be waterproofed to IP68 and include special features including phase matching and ruggedised assemblies for use in harsh environments.

For more information call +44(0)1245 347145end_of_the_skype_highlighting, email [email protected]  or visit

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