E-learning to mitigate Coronavirus disruption

Countries are ramping up efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, described this week by the World Health Organisation as a pandemic. It is clear that globally, growing numbers will be self-isolating, with educational establishments closing and companies –­ including many in the lifting sector – asking employees to work from home as part of dealing with this severe health crisis.The impact of Coronavirus will be serious but it will eventually dissipate. It is important that, in the meantime, we do all we can to ensure disruption is minimised and we are able to hit the ground running when conditions return to normal.

Fortunately our interconnected world makes this less of a challenge, and many colleges and businesses are already looking to e-learning for continuity of education, training and productivity.

LEEA will be carrying on as normal during this health crisis, taking all necessary precautions in delivering face-to-face training, But e-learning is an option many are likely to consider at this time.

E-learning is an established and important delivery method for LEEA’s specialist training services, CPD and Accredited Training for the global lifting sector. Most of the association’s broad range of training courses are available online, offering a number of benefits such as allowing individuals to study at their own pace and at times that suit them. The courses are not restricted to defined term times and can be commenced whenever it suits an individual. All an e-learner needs is Internet access on a PC, laptop or tablet. Course materials are available to download and an assessment venue and date can be chosen to suit.

Traditionally LEEA’s lowest cost, most flexible and convenient training option, e-learning can now step up to become an essential tool to help the global lifting industry mitigate coronavirus disruption to the continuing journey to raise standards.

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