Dunkermotoren joins MindSphere World e.V.

Automation is facing new opportunities and challenges as a result of digitalization and new technologies such as the Internet of Things. In order to create effective added value in such an environment, a cross-manufacturer and cross-value chain approach is indispensable. Partner ecosystems thus play a decisive role in creating interoperable solutions across the board.Dunkermotoren has recognized the importance of ecosystems in the IoT environment as a world market leader for integrated servo motors. With MindSphere World, Dunkermotoren has found a suitable partner ecosystem for the common path into the Internet of Things. Through strong partners from the fields of automation technology, system integration, mechanical engineering and software, interoperable IoT solutions based on the IoT operating system MindSphere can be offered, which would not have been feasible by any company.

About Mindsphere World:

Together with 18 partner companies, Siemens AG founded the “MindSphere World e.V.” association in January 2018 as a user organization for the cloud-based, open IoT MindSphere operating system. In the meantime, the association has grown to a total of 74 members. The goal is to expand the ecosystem around MindSphere worldwide. In addition, the association should support the individual members in the development and optimization of IoT solutions on MindSphere as well as the development of new markets in the digital economy. This includes proposals on requirements for the MindSphere IoT operating system and recommendations on creating uniform rules for data usage. The association also promotes science, research and teaching around MindSphere.

Automation Update