Used in Laser Cutting Applications
In laser cutting applications using CO 2 lasers, circularly polarised light can be used for
example to achieve a uniform and axis independent cut. One way of achieving circularly
polarised light at 10.6um is to use a phase shifting mirror. Through use of a coating which
can be applied to both copper and silicon substrates, circular polarisation is achieved by a
λ/4 phase shift of the incident linearly polarised light.
LASER COMPONENTS can manufacture phase shifting mirrors in customer specifi ed dimen-
sions, radii of curvature, wavelengths and retardations.
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The Company
LASER COMPONENTS specialises in the development, manufacture, and sale of components
and services in the laser and optoelectronics industry. At LASER COMPONENTS, we have
been serving customers since 1982 with sales branches in fi ve diff erent countries. We have
been producing in house since 1986 with production facilities in Germany, Canada, and the
United States. In-house production makes up approximately half of our sales revenue. A
family-run business, we have more than 200 employees worldwide.