Webinar: Where to start with additive manufacturing?

While the hype behind 3D printing might have you convinced that you can easily build anything, identifying applications and getting the most value from additive manufacturing is still not fully understood by the masses. During this webinar, global industrial 3D printing leader, Stratasys, will detail some of the techniques being used by companies around the globe that have embraced the additive manufacturing mindset.

During this webinar you can expect to hear how AM is dramatically shortening product development times, adding customisation, driving innovation, streamlining supply chains and when it makes sense to use additive vs traditional manufacturing.

During this session delegates will learn:

  1. How additive manufacturing is impacting designers, engineers and manufacturers from ALL industries.
  2. Where AM has the most impact on the cost to manufacture
  3. Why AM is increasingly able to challenge traditional manufacturing techniques
  4. The 6 key drivers for business adopting additive technologies
  5. Deep dive examples of freedom of design and hyper personalisation possibilities with additive manufacturing
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