BST eltromat appoints new senior sales consultant in the register

In mid-May 2019, Michael Nestle (61) was appointed senior sales consultant for all register applications at BST eltromat International, a leading provider of quality assurance systems for the web-processing industry. Before the merger, Nestle was global sales director at eltromat for 25 years. As a result of this experience, he is very familiar with all the variants of register applications and the industrial processes involved.

“Register projects are very demanding as a rule, and they call for close support and consultation for our customers. With his extensive practical knowledge, Michael Nestle can provide the best possible support for our global sales team, including our subsidiaries and agents, in the implementation of register projects in gravure printing and in offset printing,” says Kristian Jünke, managing director at BST eltromat.

Many customers view BST eltromat as the global market leader with its innovative, high-precision technology for register control, including sensor technology. “The latest register controls from BST eltromat, such as regi_star 20 and AR 4400, give our customers everything they need to meet the requirements of their own clients flexibly, sustainably, and with great precision and maximum commercial efficiency. Drawing on my decades of practical experience, my job is to offer the optimal system solution for every machine application, working in close cooperation with our global sales team and taking into account the whole production process – true to our slogan ‘perfecting your performance’,” says Nestle.

Nestle brings to this new position his extensive expertise in retrofitting older machines and in new installations.

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