The Formentor on the Formentor peninsula

  • The CUPRA Formentor concept car is driven for the first time around the cape it is named after
  • The wind and the Mediterranean Sea served as inspiration for the design of the first model specifically developed for the brand
  • The winding road to the lighthouse was built in the 30s and borders cliffs rising to over 300 metres


The meeting point of the winds is the name given by the people who live on Majorca to Cape Formentor, which is the northern most tip of the island. A spectacular coastal road, flanked by cliffs rising to 300 metres, leads to the lighthouse that crowns the summit of the cape. For the first time, the CUPRA Formentor is driven in the landscape that inspired its design.

Sculpted by the wind:
 The wind and waves shape the steep cliffs of Cape Formentor every day. This changing seascape inspired CUPRA exterior designer Alberto Torrecillas to create its streamlined silhouette. “Wind sculpts the rocks, which inspired me to design the side blisters that show dynamism and a feeling of movement, even when the car is stationary.”
Crystal clear waters:
The turquoise blue sea changes colour when the north wind blows. Beneath the surface, the hues get gradually darker in the underwater canyons up to 60 metres deep, which are ideal for diving. The varying colours of the Mediterranean inspired the Color & Trim department to create the Blue Petrol hue, a deep, almost black matte blue that was specifically designed for this concept car. “When light shines on the contours of the CUPRA Formentor you can make out from the deepest shadows to the brightest shine”, says Torrecillas.
Cliffs that soar to over 300 metres high:
 The road that meanders around the Formentor peninsula is a labyrinth of curves built by Italian engineer Antonio Parietti in the 1930s, with the strong northwest winds as a guide. “My first trip with the CUPRA Formentor on this impressive road bordering steep cliffs and a magical landscape was an amazing experience”, explains Alberto. “The feeling of driving a car designed by you in a location as spectacular as this is unique.”
Photovoltaic solar energy:
 The Formentor lighthouse stands at the end of the road, at 188 metres above sea level. Its rugged and remote location made it the most difficult lighthouse to build on the Balearic Islands. The 56 metre high tower entered into operation in 1863, and today works with photovoltaic solar energy. On the other hand, the CUPRA Formentor is equipped with a high-performance plug-in hybrid engine that points the way forward for the electrification of the brand.
Automation Update