Hospital domestics, hostesses, porters and security personnel are becoming radicalised by the hardship that they are being forced to endure and those who have never dreamed of joining a trade union are now signing up to GMB in large numbers says GMB Southern

GMB union will be organising urgent food deliveries for ISS workers during ‘a national day of action’ against ISS.

Details of the events are as follows:

Friday 26 April 2019

10:30 AM

Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Stadium Rd
SE18 4QH

12:30 PM

Princess Royal Hospital
Farnborough Common

Public service contractor ISS have ceased paying their workers in order to change their pay cycles. ‘Project Greenfield’ will see thousands of low paid ISS workers plunged into a financial black hole for three weeks from the end of this week. [See notes to editors for previous GMB press release]


ISS have offered loans instead of wages but the closing date for loan applications was April 14th leaving desperate workers and their families penniless during a period when every household bill is on the rise.

Helen O’Connor GMB Regional Organiser said:

“ISS management falsely believe that they can just ride out the rising tide of anger amongst their workforce but what they are doing is shoring up problems for themselves for the future.

“Resentment against the appalling management methods of ISS started in Kingston Hospital (#kingstonhospcampaign) but it is spreading rapidly in London and across the entire country.

“Hospital domestics, hostesses, porters and security personnel are becoming radicalised by the hardship that they are being forced to endure and we are seeing those who have never dreamed of joining a trade union in their entire working lives now signing up to GMB UNION in large numbers.

“GMB Union is growing in strength in Kingston Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Princess Royal Hospital and in Surrey and Borders NHS trust. Our members have reached the correct conclusion that GMB Union is the only protection they have against ISS. The NHS trusts that are signing contracts with the likes of ISS won’t get away with burying their heads in the sand either, as angry ISS workers are being pushed ever closer to contemplating strike action.

“No hospital worker ever wants to go on strike because they care about the hospital and the patients just as much as the doctors and nurses do. The reality however is that in driving down the pay, terms and conditions of hospital workers ISS is driving experienced workers out of the health service. This is bad for patients and bad for the entire NHS. The fight to protect the terms and conditions of NHS workers is part and parcel of the fight to protect NHS services as a whole.”

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