New White Paper from HMS Networks explores the benefits of 5G for Manufacturing and Industrial Automation

With the arrival of 5G technology, the manufacturing industry faces its biggest transformation yet. Safer, flexible and more efficient manufacturing systems will be possible thanks to the ultra-low-latency and reliability of wireless 5G connectivity. In the whitepaper, HMS explains the benefits of 5G in the factory and the impact on smart manufacturing.

HMS Networks, a global leader in solutions for industrial communication and IIoT, has released a new white paper that explores the benefits of 5G technology in the factory. The whitepaper provides an overview of 5G’s future-proof potential for connected industries and outlines some of the main building blocks of 5G, which will contribute to enable the fourth industrial revolution.

During the last 30 years, the industry has automated everything which can be automated in the factory using wired technology. With 5G, the remaining parts can be automated and included in industrial real-time flows. Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing are all about the integration of logistics, material handling and factory automation. 5G is a key enabler of this integration.

Titled, “The Benefits of 5G in The Factory”, the white paper provides an overview of 5G technology as an emerging trend and future standard in the manufacturing and industrial automation industry. It also touches on the challenges and future directions of 5G and how it will affect the factories of the future.

“The industrial world is undergoing its fourth revolution, and the goals are to increase flexibility, increase automation and improve productivity, while also maintaining a high degree of safety and sustainability” says Dr. Jens Jakobsen, Development Manager at HMS Labs (HMS-entity which focuses on technologies for the future). Dr Jakobsen continues “Using 5G is the perfect solution for enabling smart wireless connectivity in the factory, with key features such as massive machine type communications, real time control of machines, increased human/robot interactions and edge cloud analytics“.

To download a complimentary copy of the complete white paper, please visit

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