A new AIP+ tutorial has been added to the NSK academy online training platform (www.nskacademy.com). The induction heater module is the latest to join other AIP+ (Added Value Programme) maintenance and service tool tutorials already available on the site.
NSK’s specially developed training modules help registered academy users discover how AIP+ tools can be used to maximum advantage. Each tutorial offers a best-practice guide to bearing installation and care, which in turn helps boost the reliability and profitability of machines. The correct application of AIP+ tools can extend bearing lifetime and machinery performance, as well as reduce downtime and costs.
A course, video and questionnaire are at the core of each module, with trainees receiving a certificate upon successful completion. NSK’s latest tutorial to go live is induction heaters, which carefully and evenly heat bearings that are mounted with an interference fit on to a shaft. Induction heaters allow bearings to be installed without the need for specific hand tools, and eliminate the need for force to be applied to the bearing during installation.
NSK offers three induction heater types in different sizes based on weight and power requirements. The portable induction heater weighs just 3.5kg and is suitable for bearings/workpieces up to 10kg in weight, while the bench-mounted version offers capacity up to 300kg and is supplied with a range of yokes for different bearing sizes. Finally, the heavy-duty induction heater is floor mounted to accommodate weights up to 1200kg. A convenient design with sliding arm makes it easy to use with heavy bearings up to 1.2m outside diameter.
Among the tips included in the video element of the new tutorial is how to use the power adjustment function on the induction heaters for use on sensitive bearings.
As a whole, the NSK induction heater tutorial module is designed to show how bearings can be safely and efficiently heated to the optimum temperature for easy hot mounting.

NSK induction heaters allow bearings with an interference fit to be installed without the need for specific hand tools